In my first post on hearing aids, I covered a lot of factors to consider when evaluating different hearing aids, as well as the service provided by different over-the-counter sellers.
One thing I didn’t really consider was the warranty. In general, unless I’m buying a new vehicle, I don’t think much about warranties. I guess this is because I’ve been pretty lucky. Many things that we buy come with a warranty, but I can’t remember ever having to contact a manufacturer to get service or a replacement under warranty. Because of this, it isn’t a big consideration for me.
Though I expect if you’ve had products that failed, this could be a big deal. Someone with bad experiences may be more likely to shop for a product with a better warranty.
So, that’s my guess on why it didn’t come up in my first post.
However, On Further Analysis…
I did redeem myself by exploring warranties a bit in a subsequent post Choosing Hearing Aids – Some Things to Consider. In fact, I wrote:

How ironic. That’s exactly what happened last week.
What Happened?
I’m an idiot. My wife and I were in Key Largo. We went for a long walk to do some shopping and have lunch. On the way home, it was awfully hot, so when we arrived at our hotel, I changed into my bathing suit and hopped in the pool.
I remember my hearing aids as soon as my nose hit the water, I thought to myself “HEARING AIDS”. Too late.
Quick aside: Many years ago, Coffee Rich, Bill and I took an annual white water rafting trip. One year, we stopped at a road-side gas station/convenience store to fill up and buy supplies. Rich was in charge of ice for the cooler. I’m filling up. I see Rich emerge from the store, open the trunk and take out the cooler. Seconds later he yells “BAG” and I see ice chunks scattering across the parking lot. Don’t throw the ice against the ground to break it up if it doesn’t come in a bag.
One Dead Soldier
So, after immediately getting out of the pool and placing my hearing aids in the sun to dry, I go back in and paddle around. Then I put the hearing aids in the case (where I’ve wisely packed a few desiccant packs) and hope for the best. Next day, one works, one doesn’t.
In another touch of irony, it is the right one that’s dead. My wife sits on the right side as I’m driving. This makes conversation and my responding to directions challenging.
The Return
I wait until I get home and I call Jabra. I explained that I’m an idiot and I jumped in the pool with my hearing aids on. The service rep looks up my info and confirms my shipping address and says the new pair is on the way. She asks if the charger was damaged as well. Thankfully that was spared so I don’t need a replacement.
The service rep reminds me that the next time I do this (she must know me) I will need to pay for replacement.
A warranty doesn’t matter until you need it. For me, I’ve been lucky so I tend not to think a lot about them, but now I’ll probably be more aware.
I’ll update the post when I get my replacements, but the service from Jabra has been outstanding all through the trial and the purchase, so I’m expecting smooth sailing.
As a final note on warranties, many credit cards will extend a manufacturer’s warranty. For example:

Many people aren’t aware of their credit card benefits. Stay tuned for an upcoming post. You may be surprised at the perks available from your card.
Update 2/20/25
Yesterday, 2/19/ I received my replacement hearing aids. They travel in pairs so I got 2. I contacted Jabra on Saturday and by Wednesday, I had my free replacements. Pretty good. No hassle, no hunting for receipts or documentation, just a quick phone call and Fedex did their thing.
Let’s add this to the reasons I’m thrilled with my Jabra purchase. Here they are.

Good to know your right ear is the bad one!
Huh? Did you say somethin’